
Sunday, 21 June 2015

Making my house Mom ready with Ambi pur

Being a bachelor has its advantages you share you room with friends and batch mates and there is no one to nag you to put the room in order and tidy up your things. I have been living in a rented accommodation with my friends Out of the 4 people sharing the rented accommodation I am the only teetotaler and non smoker. As my friends smoke the house that I live in feels more like a tobacco shop than a home. Even though we share a living room and I have a bedroom completely to myself yet the smell of the tobacco and the half burnt cigarettes permeates the air of the entire house and even finds its way to my room. I have almost got used to expecting such smell to be present when I unlock the main door of the house and enter my rented house. A little respite comes for me from the fresh air that comes in from the window. One characteristic of people who smoke is the fact that even the clothes of smokers seems to absorb and then emanate the smell of tobacco this leads to the smell invading even the bathroom and as the domestic help who comes to do the cleaning and washing the clothes washes all our clothes together as a result even my clothes have begun to smell of cigarettes. That’s not all even the bed sheets that I sleep on have a smell of tobacco smoke coming from it. The other smell that pervades our house is the smell of bear. It is one commodity that flows freely and quite often gets spilled on sofas, carpers and table cloth. As a result we live in a house that has a constant sell of beer and alcohol I was finding it difficult to adjust to these smells as I was neither a smoker nor a drinker and neither did I appreciate the smell of beer. To make matters worse my mom was about to visit me and stay with me for a few days. My mother is a stickler for cleanliness and the last thing I wanted was to make her live in a house with so strong and displeasing odors. Moreover I did not want her to believe that her son that is me had fallen into bad company. I realized that I would have to do something rather quickly. So from emergency spring cleaning to sprinkling the entire household with my favorite deo, having the house cleaned and swept with phenyl I tried everything but all efforts went in vain. Than a friend of mine came to my rescue she suggested that I try Ambi pur. When I went to buy Ambi pur I was surprised by the choice of fragrances it offered. I was impressed by this range of choices and the design and packaging gave me the confidence that the product meant business and would do the job. I went home armed with Ambi Pur and meticulously sprayed it in my entire house. Surprisingly within minutes my entire house smelled so fragrant. I had tactfully purchased an Ambi pur flavor that was my mom’s favorite and when she entered the house she was instantly impressed by the fresh feel and the mild aroma of her favorite flavor. Ambi pur
saved the day for me and armed me with the weapon to battle any and every odor in the home.
 “I am blogging for #SmellyToSmiley activity at in association with Ambi Pur

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